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Landschaftspark Region Stuttgart

We have many interesting topics.

Further information is therefore provided on the following pages:

The master plans

Diverse ideas for characteristic landscape areas

Master plans have been drawn up for characteristic landscape and recreational areas, which define future priorities for action and concrete project ideas for the development of open spaces. The topics vary - from the enhancement and reclamation of open spaces to the development and touristic value creation of the existing landscape qualities. The content was developed in close cooperation between the participating cities and municipalities and relevant stakeholders as well as the Verband Region Stuttgart. This strong local and regional anchoring is one reason for the great popularity.

For more news click here!

Always up to date our newsletter

Verband Region Stuttgart informs via newsletter from the region for the region: Political decisions, events, exciting background knowledge. If you would also like to subscribe to the newsletter free of charge in the future, then register.

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Always available

You need more information, have questions or want to tell us something? Then please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to your message.

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