Leisure and recreation in the Stuttgart region
Nature and landscape - these are by far the most frequently mentioned answers to the question of what you, the citizens, like best in the region. A fact that motivates us as the Verband Region Stuttgart even more to secure and enhance these areas. That is why we asked you at the beginning of 2024 for your ideas and suggestions for existing or new local recreation projects. All your tips and suggestions will be incorporated into a local recreation concept for the Stuttgart Region.
Current status
We received over 650 suggestions and ideas by March 2024: digitally and at the six on-site events. These have now been evaluated and show a clear need for action in individual areas:
- Expand the regional leisure trail network
- Upgrade recreational areas close to settlements
- Strengthen water-related local recreation and make it more attractive
- Preserve characteristic cultural landscapes as unique regional features and develop them for the future: Vineyards, orchards, heaths and forests
- Consider sporting activities in the natural environment
- showcase existing viewpoints and vistas and add new ones
It is now up to us to enter into a concrete exchange with the 179 municipalities and affected associations and clubs. For each of these areas, the first step was to select particularly concise and regionally significant project ideas, which are now being discussed with the municipalities concerned with a view to possible implementation. In addition, each municipality has received an overview of the suggestions and project ideas that explicitly relate to their district or area of responsibility. Information on the current status was also provided in July 2024 at the "Regional workshop Very close: Frei_Räume in der Region Stuttgart".
Documentation of the regional workshop for download.
What happens next?
The suggestions and project ideas form the basis for the development of overarching fields of action through to specific regionally significant measures - all brought together in a concept that should be completed by mid-2025. We will keep you informed about the status of the work here. However, if you have any questions over time, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact us
- Dr. Christine Baumgärtner // Landscape development
- Stuttgart Region Association
- Kronenstrasse 25
- 70174 Stuttgart
- Phone 0711 22759-74
- Mail baumgaertner(at)region-stuttgart.org