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Landschaftspark Region Stuttgart

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The Stuttgart Region Landschaftspark

Mandatory statutory task with a major impact

In the high-density Stuttgart region, nature and landscape are an indispensable basis for local recreation, agriculture and forestry as well as ecological and climatic balance. Around three quarters of the regional area is undeveloped and closely linked to the settlement structure - outdoor recreational opportunities can be reached on foot in a maximum of ten minutes. The extraordinary diversity of the landscape is a characteristic feature - it plays a large part in the high attractiveness of the Stuttgart Region as a residential and business location. With the Stuttgart Region Landschaftspark, the Verband Region Stuttgart has an effective instrument for actively investing in this green infrastructure in terms of planning and funding. This is a mandatory statutory task that is unique in the state and of significant political importance - particularly important with regard to integrated settlement and transport development.

The close link between planning and financing is unique in Baden-Württemberg and is essential for the high effectiveness of the Stuttgart Region Landschaftspark - visible and tangible through a large number of realized projects and with noticeable added value for people and nature.

Implementation is based on two pillars:

  • Creation of master plans
  • Awarding of project grants within the framework of co-financing

Alle Landschaftsparkprojekte in einer Karte

Der Verband Region Stuttgart wertet gemeinsam mit den Kommunen, Natur und Landschaft durch konkrete Maßnahmen gezielt auf und entwickelt sie weiter. Eine Übersicht aller Projekte seit 2005.

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