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Landschaftspark Region Stuttgart

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On the one side, the striking steep slopes and on the other, a near-natural floodplain landscape. It is hard to believe that you are on a federal waterway in the middle of the Stuttgart region. The Zugwiesen meadows have not only created a valuable ecosystem here, but have also made it possible for visitors to experience it. A themed trail provides great insights into the Neckar biotope. The "Storchennest" observation tower also provides a great overview of the entire site and the Neckar. Cyclists take note: The Zugwiesen are located directly on the supra-regional Neckar Valley cycle path.

Figures / Data / Facts

  • The meadows are accessible at all times and free of charge.
  • The floodplain landscape with still waters, small islands and meadows covers an area of 38,000 square meters and stretches 1.7 kilometers along the Neckar near Ludwigsburg-Poppenweiler.
  • The Zugwiesen were opened in 2012 with their flooding.
  • The Verband Region Stuttgart supported the implementation of the Zugwiesen with a total of 600,000 euros.


If you want to experience the Zugwiesen, you will also have to walk a few meters. Take the S-Bahn or regional train to Ludwigsburg station, from there take the 430 bus to the Poppenweiler Burghaldenstraße stop. From here it is about 35 minutes on foot. If you are traveling by car, you can stop at the Hoheneck outdoor pool parking lot. It is about a one-kilometer walk from there.

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