The attractive leisure facilities in the Schönbuch Nature Park and the good infrastructural development by road and rail have led to the Schönbuchlichtung becoming a preferred residential and commercial location since the 1970s and 80s. However, the growing importance of the area also increased the burden on people, the environment and the climate - due to high noise and air emissions, but also due to an excessive influx of people seeking recreation, especially at weekends.
On the initiative of the Schönbuch municipalities, the Schönbuch Master Plan was developed from mid-2014 to the end of 2016. In contrast to the previous approach, the master plan was not commissioned to external planners, but was drawn up by the Verband Region Stuttgart.
The aim of the Schönbuch Master Plan is to sustainably develop the landscape of the Schönbuchlichtung as a living and recreational space. Based on the landscape, urban development and infrastructural potentials and requirements for action and the existing municipal development plans, objectives were developed together with the municipalities and the Schönbuch Nature Park, which serve as a guideline for the development of project ideas.
Particular attention is paid to lighthouse projects whose impact extends far beyond the respective location. Some of these have now been realized, such as the observation tower on the Stellberg near Herrenberg or the motorhome concept as part of the motorhome-friendly Stuttgart region. The upgrading of the museum cycle path into an adventure tour between Heckengäu and Schönbuch is currently being implemented.
If you are interested in the master plans for download or as a print product, please contact the Verband Region Stuttgart using the contact form.
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