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Landschaftspark Region Stuttgart

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Glemspark concept

The Strohgäu is characterized by a flat and wide plain with excellent arable soils. Deeply dug into the shell limestone, it is crossed by the Glemstal valley with its sometimes steep slopes and scenic side streams. It is also an important old settlement area with numerous traces and finds from various historical periods. However, it is also characterized by busy roads and railway lines as well as industrial estates. Nevertheless, the open spaces and landscapes close to settlements are of great relevance, especially for everyday recreation. This also includes the numerous direct marketing farms.

The concept for the Glemspark was drawn up between 2001 and 2002 by the StadtLandFlus office in Wolfschlugen, even before the Stuttgart Region Association became the statutory sponsor. In contrast to the subsequent master plans, the concept was developed without involving the municipalities and local stakeholders.

The starting point for the concept ideas was the special charm of the landscape, which was to be better showcased and experienced through selective interventions - also in order to strengthen the identification and emotional connection of those seeking recreation with this landscape.

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